
Cronusmaster can execute any http(s) request against one or many target nodes. Think of it as a RESTful client that can run with predefined template on target node grammatically at scale. Cronusmaster is used to execute different tasks on cronus agent through its RESTful interface.

  • Command: Defines a HTTP(S) request template
  • Nodegroup: Defines a list of nodes that will be targets of a command
  • Job: A command that runs on a nodegroup
  • Scheduled Job: A command run on a nodegroup with a recurring schedule
  • Log: Execution result and log of a job

To put cronusmaster to work

  1. Define HTTP(S) command template
  2. Define nodegroup with target node IPs or hostnames
  3. Execute materialized commmand on a nodegroup as a job
  4. Check result of the job in the log
  5. Optinoally create an oneclick launch from an already executed job
  6. Optionally create a recurring job from an already executed job or oneclick launch

cronusmaster main page
