Deploy Application Workflow

This document describe steps to deploy an application to cloud by using Cronus framework.


  • Cronus agent and Cronus master are already installed

Application Packaging

  • Checkout desired application, package and upload

    cd ~
    git clone
    cd cronusstacks/node_app
    ./ upload

    Expected outcome: node_app is packaged and uploaded to local CronusMaster, check http://localhost:9000/agent/packages for the uploaded package

Deploy and Rollback

  • Deploy

    1. In CronusMaster, navigate to command -> oneclick launch
    2. Run “deploy_nodeapp_local”, wait for it to complete
    3. Check for nodeapp at http://localhost:1337/
  • Rollback

    1. You will need to deploy another version before rollback, make some change to the nodeapp code, repeat above step for packaging, upload, deploy, and verify that your change is deployed
    2. Run oneclick launch “rollback_nodeapp_local”, wait for it to complete
    3. Check the change is rolled back

Startup, Shutdown and Restart

  • In CronusMaster, navigate to commands -> commands
  • Run Agent_Service_LCMAction, go through command wizard, select nodegroup “Localhost”, fill in json user data of “serviceName”: “nodeapp”, “action”: “restart”, execute
  • Wait for job to complete, click fulltext search in cmd job page to see the raw script output, note that shutdown and startup scripts are called respectively
  • Repeat the above step for action=”shutdown”, and action=”startup”

Other Excercises

  • Create a new nodegroup with list of nodes that are not localhost, install agent on them and deploy the same node application to the new nodegroup
  • Create a recurring job that deploy latest nodeapp to localhost every 5 minutes
  • Deploy a tomcat application to localhost, or create a new application stack ready for cronus deployment from scratch